Maher's association of MY and CH may have been hinted at by an unintended consequence of what I perceive to be a trend toward "narrative journalism" in favor of traditional reportage in the front lines of the press. Whereas we know the issues associated with the story becoming more important than the facts (cf. George Packer's The New Yorker takedown of Rolling Stone), there seems to be a blurring of what's op-ed, what's genuine analysis, what's gumshoe reporting, and what's just saying whatever to make a buck. If you can no longer tell just by looking at the headline, then it's all one and MY is just as much a "journalist" as CH, George Packer (op cit), Dexter Filkins, David Halberstam, Sy Hersh, and HL f'in Mencken.
Compare Hitchens to Mencken and Milo to Bob Saget, but the men associated by "to" should not be in the same category as the men from which they are separated by "and". I won't link, just google Saget Aristocrats.